Tettere samarbeid mellom de skandinaviske landene

Stockholm Science City har en intensjonsavtale (MoU - Memorandum of Understanding) med Innovation District Copenhagen og Oslo Science City. Dette muliggjør et tettere samarbeid og kunnskapsutveksling. I en nylig publisert artikkel fremhever Andreas Blohm Graversen, nestleder for Innovasjon og Eksterne Partnerskap i Stockholm Science City, fordelene ved å styrke samarbeidet mellom de tre skandinaviske landene.

Publisert: 30. oktober 2024

"In Scandinavian countries, we share a strong international position in life science. Although the framework conditions in our three countries are different, we are more similar to each other than most other countries, and we already have substantial areas of cooperation within university-driven innovation. (…) With a strengthened focus on research-driven innovation from, among others, the EU Commission, it is crucial that we, in the Scandinavian countries, maintain our focus and share our insights because we can look forward to significantly increased competition from all over the world to develop leading innovation districts".

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